Google Drive iOS Update allows Offline Editing of Presentation

The New Google Drive Update allows basic offline editing of presentations on the iPad. Google Presentations is one of the tools we have been pushing in our Google Bootcamps but the questions have always arisen over the functionality of Presentation on the iPad. You could always open a Presentation and type in basic text but when it came to formatting there was practically zero functionality. You did have the ability to drop an image or shape into the presentation but could not resize it or even move it.

It looks like we will have to wait a little longer for inserting images, shapes and video.

Users now have the ability to create, view and edit presentations without an internet connection with Google Slides offline. This is automatically enabled for users who have already enabled offline editing of Docs and Sheets. Offline access to presentations is only available in Chrome and on Chrome OS devices.

Like everything that Google do, they do not wait until the whole suite is complete they release features as they are ready. I just hope we do not have to wait to long. These other features will be important for schools who have or are about to embark on 1:1 or BYOD programs and have Google Apps for Education environments.