Allowing students to make choices about professions in high school

 I have been writing about high school and what is wrong with it for many years. My articles on why all the subjects we teach are absurd and why the curriculum is tremendously outdated are easy enough to find. Often people respond to what I have written by asking what we should have instead. So, here I propose a simple answer. One we can implement, and one we can gradually get into the schools.

)Pardon me for calling this Pro-Choice (by which I mean professional choices for kids.) Yes, I know the term means something else. But I like it in this context.)

My premise is that high school should be a time in which one figures out what kinds of things one can do in life that would be just right for you. This idea has been around for a long time but used in exactly the wrong way. “We must teach chemistry in high school so we can expose children to chemistry to see if they want to be chemists” is the standard argument. It didn’t take me a year of high school chemistry to know I didn’t want to be a chemist. Had we had what I am proposing, my decision would have been even easier. (And I had to take two years of college chemistry too. Believe I knew long before then, but schools just love requirements.) In the school I am proposing there are no requirements. Just professional choices.

I happen to have spent some time with a chemist at Proctor and Gamble a few years back. He was inventing a new bleach. Let us imagine for a moment that Proctor and Gamble funded the building of three week chemistry learn by doing experience that included seeing what chemists actually do at P&G, talking to this man about why loves what he does, and actually doing some of these things in simulation. After three weeks a student would know if this was for him or her and if they wanted more of it, or if they wanted to try out something else.

Years ago we built a simulated firefighter course (at Northwestern’s ILS). Suppose we allowed high schools kids to try out being firefighters in simulation for a few weeks. They might even talk to their local firefighters during that same time.  In those days, we also built simulations about how to run an EPA public meeting and about how to plan an air force campaign. If we had build a version that kids could try, they would know if that kind of career was for them after a short while.

You say you want to be a lawyer? Why not try a case in simulation? Do contract work too, to see that being a lawyer is not all “Law and Order.”

You are thinking about being a doctor?. Be one in simulation. Talk to simulated patients. Do some lab work. Read an MRI. Tell a patient he has cancer (all in simulation of course.) Also, kids could help out in a real local hospital for a few days.

Why shouldn’t GE help us build a three week simulation of what it is like to be an Engineer? Why shouldn’t IBM help us build a simulation of what it is like to be a computer consultant? Why shouldn’t one of the political parties help us build a simulation of what it is like to be legislator or a campaign director? Why shouldn’t Turner Construction help us build a simulation of what kinds of jobs there are in construction and see if they’d be any fun to do?

I am naming particular companies here because I believe the only way education will change is if the big corporations which can easily afford to do help us do this and would benefit from it, helped provide students choices.

How many should their be? Hundreds. A student’s life could simply be trying stuff out, talking to experts, and going on to the next until they were pretty sure about what they wanted to learn more about.

We have built many of these already. Many of them are in health sciences and in computer programming and in entrepreneurship.

Now. How do we get them to the kids?

No one will allow us to eliminate the nonsense that permeates high school today, but there are electives available to seniors and there are summer schools and camps and their are after school programs. Eventually maybe we can eliminate the entire last semester of high school and replace it with simulated activates that inform kids about what they might like to try in the future.

My long term plan, of course, is have this become high school, gradually replacing what is there.

What is there can easily go. If you actually needed algebra you could learn it in context. (It might be embedded where an advanced engineering simulation when a student was building a bridge or deigning an airplane. (Although I must admit I had this conversation with Boeing for high school aerospace engineering and they couldn’t find a real need for algebra there either.)

English literature?  Needed for nothing (except sounding like an intellectual.)  However, as literature teachers would say that literature is about making life decisions, I have no problem with many making life decisions simulations being part of the choices here. Writing is needed  all the time however, so each simulation should involved writing that is the type actually done in that simulation (legal briefs, medical opinions, police reports etc.)

All of education needs to involve planning, diagnosis, judgment, predication, and experimentation (as I have said in my Teaching Minds book). These cognitive processes must be woven into each and every simulated experience we build.

High school must change. Computers and the Internet allow us to make the change now. We need to think about enabling choices for students and creating individuals who know what they want to do and have trued it out before they finish high school.  

We have built many of these kinds of simulations already and will offer them to anyone who wants to try them. We need money to build more. (All of this is being done my my non profit: “Engines for Education.”)

Online education and Online degrees are move on to something real

 I have been working on online education in one form or another for over 30 years. I am now ready to declare online education officially dead. I am doing this because for me, at least, online education meant a chance to use the computer as a device whereby people could do something, have a simulated experience, kind of like an air flight simulator but for any aspect of life you wanted to try out.  But now universities have adopted online education wholesale. They are producing gabage. No, actually they are producing what they have always produced:

Take a look at this lecture from MIT that is now on line:

Or, take a look at these three from Stanford that are part of their MOOCs

Or, take a look at some Udacity or Coursera courses. They look suspiciously like the boring lectures most students skip out on when they can. Nothing has changed. Now the lecture course, which was always the worst aspect of college education, is being made available to millions.!/c-cs253/l-48737165/e-48230539/m-48605789

Why? Everyone daydreams through these kinds of things anyway and then later they cram for the final. Can you remember any lecture you heard in college? Try and tell it to someone. 

Every university is producing this stuff and in doing so, they are killing the very idea of changing education by the use of teachers who are not nearby who could help you learn to do something in a simulated experience when you needed them. 

What is education? Its an experience, mentored by an expert, in which the student tries to accomplish something, fails, and then after some discussion with peers and mentors, tries again.

This is not a new idea, Most PhD programs work this way. But since universities care about undergraduates just enough to require a thousand of them to fill a lecture hall, now they are doing it online so the numbers can get much bigger. It's all about money. (And, to be honest, the fear of seeming to be falling behind.)

So, while I am declaring online education dead, because every university is doing it and the market will soon be flooded with crap, I am not declaring the idea of a learning by doing mentored experience dead.

So, I  propose a new name, Mentored Simulated Experiences.

Let’s build those and change education from listening to doing. It is not that hard folks, it requires caring about students and real learning. Well, maybe that is too much to expect.

As an aside, I have heard through the grapevine that big corporations are now refusing to hire people with online masters degrees as result of looking more carefully at the much vaunted Georgie Tech MOOC in Computer Science. EVen big corporations know that just listening and passing tests is not exactly the path to expertise.

The Importance of Human Rights Education

World is so beautiful. Human beings is the great and strongest animal in the world. With the help of thing capacity he became a powerful person in the world. Every one has right to live and right to speak.

Now we are living in the modern world. Human beings developed in all the fields. But there is a lot of difference among the countries in the world. Co-operation and co-ordination are necessary among these countries. It is necessary and important to educate every one in the world. It is very important to know what is Human Rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was drafted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights chaired by, then first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt. The UDHR was adopted by the 56 member nations of the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. December 10th is now celebrated around the world as International Human Rights Day.There are now 188 member states in United Nations

Everyone has the right to education... Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

The concept underpinning human rights education is that education should not only aim at forming trained, professional workers, but also at contributing to the development of individuals who possess the skills to interact in a society. Human rights education, human rights into education aim at providing pupils and students with the abilities to accompany and produce societal changes. Education is seen as a way to empower people, improve their quality of life and increase their capacity to participate in the decision-making processes leading to social, cultural and economic policies.

Human rights education cannot be reduced to the simple introduction of human rights content in already overburdened curricula. It brings about a profound reform of education, which touches upon curriculum in-service and pre-service training, textbooks, methodology, classroom management, and the organization of the education system at all levels.

Human rights education implies the learning and practice of human rights. A holistic approach to human rights education means that human rights are implemented at all levels of the education system, and that they are taught through both content transmission and experiences.

Education for human rights helps people feel the importance of human rights, internalize human rights values and integrate them into the way they live. Education for human rights also gives people a sense of responsibility for respecting and defending human rights and empowers them, through learned skills, to take appropriate action.

Why Human Rights Education?

1. Produces changes in values and attitudes

2. Produces changes in behaviour

3. Produces empowerment for social justice

4. Develops attitudes of solidarity across issues and nations

5. Develops knowledge and analytical skills 6. Produces participatory education.

Table Top Racing v1.0.10 [Mod Money]


Table Top Racing v1.0.10 [Mod Money] APK Free Download Android Apps. Incredible Console-Quality Gameplay and Graphics!

From the co-creator of Sony's blockbuster PlayStation franchise 'WipEout' comes 'Table Top Racing', a fast and furious combat racing game featuring console quality graphics and gameplay. 'Table Top Racing' pits all manner of crazy cars and automobiles against each other in a world of table top race tracks and over-sized obstacles.

17 Upgradeable Cars
8 Incredible Race Tracks
4 Fierce Championships
30+ Special Events
6 Unique Game Play Modes
9 Cunning Power-Ups
Google Play Features:
28 Achievements
19 Leaderboards
Auto Login
Multi-language Support: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese.

What's new in this version : (Updated : Feb 24, 2014)
Over 2,000,000 players! Wow! A massive "Thank You" to you all, especially the Table Top Racing fans who supported us with coin pack purchase - remember any purchase will turn off adverts.
You asked for it - you got it:
All MOGA Controllers are now supported. (Mode A Only)
In-Game full-screen immersion mode for Android 4.4 devices
Bug Fixes and Improved reliability
Required Android O/S : 4.0+

Screenshots :


Download : 125Mb (APK+OBB)

Pacific Fleet v2.07


Pacific Fleet v2.07 APK Free Download Android Apps. Pacific Fleet is turn based game set upon a detailed simulation depicting naval warfare during World War II!

Pacific Fleet is turn based game set upon a detailed simulation depicting naval warfare during World War II.

Stunning full 3D graphics depict the greatest war at sea
Historically based ships, aircraft, weapons and dozens of ship upgrades
A unique blend of deep strategic planning combined with quick tactical decisions
Play as the US Pacific Fleet or Imperial Japanese Navy
90 combat zones to battle through on your way to victory
Single Battle and Multiplayer Hotseat modes
Complete 44 achievements
Sink ships with realistic buoyancy physics, not with hit-point bars!
Submarine warfare and carrier operations with dive bombing and torpedo bombers
Dynamic weather, shore bombardments and night engagements
Target specific ship subsystems to sink or cripple the enemy
17 playable ships
8 playable aircraft
Random ship placement, wind, weather and night engagements make each play-through unique
No In Apps. No Pay-to-Progress. One Price = Full Game.
What's new in this version : (Updated : Feb 24, 2014)
Greatly optimized water graphics for improved performance which should resolve the excessive power consumption as well as pixelated water on some devices.
Removed Graphics Detail Options as improved water now runs faster than Low version did.
Required Android O/S : 4.0+

Screenshots :


Download : 30Mb APK

Gobliiins Trilogy v1.0


Gobliiins Trilogy v1.0 APK Free Download Android Apps. Gobliiins Trilogy is a compilation of three games including Gobliiins, Gobliins 2 and Goblins 3!

Released successively one after the other from 1991 to 1993 on PC, thoses point’n’click classics are now available on Android in a new version specifically enhanced for mobiles & tablets.

In the first game, play the adventures of Oops, Asgard and Ignatius (also known as Dwayne, Hooter and BoBo in US) who are looking for a remedy to cure the king Angoulafre. Each character has specific abilities so you will need to play with them alternatively to succeed all the different levels.

In the second one, two goblins have to find and free the Prince. You will alternate between two diametrically opposed characters once again to reach your goals! Finally, in the last game and certainly the funniest, you play as a journalist goblin in charge of a report about the conflict between the queen and the king. However, a forced landing will upset his life: he fall in love with the Princess Winona and find himself in conflict, and then was bitten by a werewolf...

New interface specially redesigned for mobile & tablet
Two control modes: «Touch » and «classique »
New gameplay adapted to the touch
Choose between original graphics or video filtering (for rich, smooth graphics)
Hotspot »system : highlight interaction areas if necessary 
Hint » system : progressive hints on player’s request 
Original soundtrack
Funny and mysterious adventures, original puzzles, colorful game with cartoon graphics, Gobliiins Trilogy offers you hours of fun at your fingertips!

Required Android O/S : 2.3.3+

Download : 300Mb (APK+Data)

Ridge Racer Slipstream v1.0.19 [Mod Money]


Ridge Racer Slipstream v1.0.19 [Mod Money] APK Free Download Android Apps. The ultimate arcade racing franchise brings the console experience to your Android device!

Ridge Racer Slipstream

• 12 powerful machines speed you to victory 
• 300 customization possibilities to create your dream machine 
• 6 game-changing Perks give you advantages you’ll appreciate

• Make a name for yourself in the full featured career mode 
• Need a quick fix? Take on Regular and Knockout Races in Arcade Mode 
• Connect with Facebook to gain rewards and share achievements and milestones with the Ridge Racer community

• 10 unique venues and 20 courses for head to head racing 
• 108 racing competitions across 6 Grand Prix Series 
• Push the limits of high end graphics in beautifully detailed locations: Lost Ruins, Industrial Drive, Harbor Line, Old Central, and others


Dating back to its original release in 1993, Ridge Racer has the honor of being the longest running racing franchise in history. Over 25 releases on arcade, home & portable consoles, PC, mobile, smartphones & tablets.

For this application, the system requirements are:

- Ice Cream Sandwich or higher
- Dual Core processor or higher
- 1GB RAM minimum
- Dedicated GPU.

If you’re able to determine to determine your GPU, the minimum chipsets are:

- Tegra 3 (Nvidia)
- Adreno 225 (Qualcomm)
- PowerVR SGX-544 (MediaTek, others)
- Mali-400 MP4 (Samsung, MediaTek, others)

Required Android O/S : 4.0+

Screenshots :


Download : 789Mb APK+OBB

Angry Birds Star Wars II v1.3.1


Angry Birds Star Wars II v1.3.1 APK Free Download Android Apps. Get ready for Angry Birds Star Wars II – the epic follow-up to the #1 smash hit game!

Angry Birds Star Wars II

The Force is strong with this one. Get ready for Angry Birds Star Wars II – the epic follow-up to the #1 smash hit game! Based on the Star Wars movie prequels, use the Force for good against the greedy Pork Federation or choose a much darker path. That’s right; for the first time ever you can “Join the Pork Side” and play as the fearsome Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine and many other favorites!

JOIN THE PORK SIDE! For the first time ever play as the pigs! Wield Darth Maul’s double-bladed Lightsaber, or play as Darth Vader, General Grievous and other villains!

30+ PLAYABLE CHARACTERS! Our biggest line-up ever of playable characters – Yoda, pod-racing Anakin, Mace Windu, Jango Fett and many more!

TELEPODS! A groundbreaking new way to play! Now teleport your favorite characters into the game by placing your Angry Birds Star Wars Telepods* figures on your device’s camera!

BECOME A JEDI OR SITH MASTER! So many Bird and Pork Side levels to master, plus a bonus reward chapter and a ton of achievements to unlock!

SWAP CHARACTERS AS YOU PLAY! Switch characters in the slingshot at any time – yours to earn or purchase!

ToonsTV READY TO GO! The home of the hugely popular Angry Birds Toons animated series, plus many other top-quality videos!

Angry Birds Star Wars II also supports tablet devices, so you can unleash the Force on the big screen. May the birds be with you!

What's new in this version : (Updated : Feb 19, 2014)
Melt the frozen CARBONITE PACK to get 8 NEW playable characters!
NEW CHARACTERS! Play as Carbonite Han Solo, Jabba the Hutt, Wicket the Ewok, Lando Bird, Royal Crimson Guard, Tusken Raider and more!
FREE TRIAL AND NEW TELEPODS! Try out all the new characters, then simply earn or purchase more! Or unlock them permanently with the new TELEPODS toys!
NEW REWARD LEVELS! Each character brings all-new levels!
Required Android O/S : 2.3+

Screenshots :

Download : 39Mb APK

Rayman Jungle Run v2.2.0


Rayman Jungle Run v2.2.0 APK Free Download Android Apps. The legendary platforming hero is making the jump to your favorite mobile device!

Rayman Jungle Run

The legendary platforming hero is making the jump to your favorite mobile device! Rayman Jungle Run is powered by the same UbiArt Framework engine that brought you Rayman Origins - Winner of numerous Game of the Year and Platformer of the Year awards.

Beautiful graphics
New worlds to discover
New powers to unlock
Captivating music
Smooth touch-based controls
Exclusive wallpapers to unlock for your device
Rayman Jungle Run is easy for all ages to pick up and play, but challenging for the longtime Rayman fans to master. Unlock the Land of the Livid Dead levels if you have the skills!

What's in this version: (Updated : Jan 23, 2014)
Welcome to Xperia Z, and Galaxy S4 users (as well as other 1080p devices)!
Required Android O/S : 2.3.3+

Screenshots :

Download: 105Mb (APK+Data)

Colin McRae Rally v1.02


Colin McRae Rally v1.02 APK Free Download Android Apps. Hit the dirt as the ultimate off-road racing game experience, Colin McRae Rally, comes to Android for the very first time.

Colin McRae Rally

From the developers of the multi-million selling franchise and based on content from the 90% Metacritic rated Colin McRae Rally 2.0, Colin McRae Rally for Android features THIRTY amazing rally stages with a combined distance of over 130km. Go flat out through the dirt of the Australian outback, take on dramatic climbs through the mountains of Greece and get sideways on the tight and twisty roads of Corsica.


Get behind the wheel of legendary rally cars, the Subaru Impreza, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI, Lancia Stratos and Colin McRae’s Ford Focus. Pace notes read by professional rally co-driver Nicky Grist help you fully commit through each and every stage.


With the critically acclaimed Colin McRae Rally handling, damage and physics model under the hood, feel the thrill of putting pedal to metal across different surface types and blast through beautiful, challenging environments.


Take on different game modes including quick races, full rallies and Championships and customise your experience with different controls schemes and views. Post your best time to the leaderboards and unlock achievements


Required Android O/S : 3.0+

Screenshots :


Download : 191Mb APK+OBB